Art for Sale

Through the years I have sold many pieces and products as originals, reproductions, accessories featuring my landscapes, etc. As mentioned, I love to participate in markets and festivals, and have even hosted my own online “Stop and Shop.” At one point, I displayed my artwork here and one could purchase through a quick online point of sale. While that was convenient, I found I wasn’t able to engage with my audience as well and that is something I really appreciate as an artist. Perhaps one day I will go back to that form, but for now, I would like to welcome any and everyone to reach out if something interests you.

image of small framed print featuring Arcilia Gonzalez's artwork
image of stationery set featuring a tree design

Please feel free to contact me via email if you'd like to learn more or inquire about purchasing or commissioning work or reproductions from me. Check out a list here for a display of items available for purchase. Also mentioned before, I do commission work across multiple art and marketing disciplines as a freelance studio artist including graphic design such as creating logos and branding, displays and signage, and marketing materials such as brochures, event posters/flyers, and invitations. I can provide examples upon request.

